Sunday, December 28, 2008


Here are my girls all dressed up in the dresses they got from Uncle Lowell and Aunt Laurie for Christmas.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


We had a great Christmas day.

Here are a few of the highlights.

Sami got a dollhouse from her Uncle Lowell and Aunt Laurie.

Rachel got an Elefun game from Uncle Lowell and Aunt Laurie too.

Here are some pics!

Gramma gave the girls lots of stuff....among that, they both got a new DoodlePro. They loved that too!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Hi All,
We drove up to Flagstaff earlier today to play in the snow.
It was great. Rachel tried to make a snow angel but it was too icey.
My mom was the big instigator of snowball fights....It must have been nice to have gloves!!
So, anyway, here are some pics, I think that the girls are adorable, and they had a great time.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Please submit your favorite cajun recipes.
I am trying to compose a family recipe cookbook. I want us to have this for the next generations.
Either you can submit by commenting to this post, or you can send your recipe to


Saturday, December 6, 2008

zoo day

Hi everybody.

We had fun at the zoo today.

We even went for a little hike. It was great....Look how much fun the girls were having!

Looks like Gramma was having fun too.


By the way....we only took the single stroller and by the end of the day, both girls wanted to ride. Sami was LOVING being held by her sissy.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hi Uncle Lowell and Aunt Laurie

Sami loves trying her toys in different ways. Here she rides her 'Little People' bus as if it were a ride-on toy. :-) So cute!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Louisiana Trip

Hi All,
We just got back yesterday from Louisiana. The trip was nice, but we are glad to be home. Jamey's funeral was PACKED. He had so many friends and loved ones there that they filled the church, the choir loft and outside. Amazing. He touched so many people.
Peter is doing good. He knows that he has the hope of seeing Jamey again. That is a blessing. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jamey Purpera - Remembered

Our nephew Jamey Purpera (son of Jerome's brother Peter) was killed last night in a car accident. He was 18 years old and a professing christian. He leaves behind his mother, father, a brother and a sister. He will be greatly missed. I am attaching some pictures, you can see how much Rachel adored him.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

INTRODUCING: Alpha and Omega Mobile Computer Services


Hi everybody!!
Jerome just started up a mobile computer repair business. We are very excited about where we feel God is leading us. He will be working out of the house for a while. Hopefully he will be able to leave his full time job within a few months. Please pray that all will go well.
Thank you to everyone that has lent us their support over the past few weeks. You are truely appreciated.
Jerome and Lessie

We have a website: Please visit. :-)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rachel turned 3!!

Hard to believe, but Rach is 3. It seems to have gone by so fast, I hardly remember her as a baby. Maybe she has always been a big girl. :-)
Well, here are pictures of her and Sami this morning eating birthday cake. They both ended up ditching the forks a few bites in and opted for the hands. Guess you can get more cake in your mouth that way.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Latest Updates and Pictures are here!!

Sorry it has taken me so long to put a new post out.

Update on Jerome's back: He is doing physical therapy on his own and is seeing some improvement. The back surgery that was suggested was very invasive and had high risk for future surgeries. This didn't seem like the option for us. He has his bad days and his good days. Thank God he has had more good days than bad lately.

Update on my migraines: I had a good month with very few migraines. However, I have had this last migraine since Saturday afternoon and can't seem to shake it. Please still pray that God would take this ailment away.

Update on the girls: Rachel is turning 3!! She will be 3 on Saturday. We can hardly believe it. She is growing up so fast. Seems like yesterday that I was watching her birthmother carry her. I spoke with an old friend that I haven't seen in 3 years today. We could hardly believe that time passed so quickly. Before you know it, Rachel will be married and having her own children. Praise God.
Well, here are some pictures that we had taken this past weekend. I think they are so cute...but then again, I am biased. ;-)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I am now a Beauty Consultant

Hi Everybody,
I am now an Independant Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay. I am so very excited about my new venture. I love the products. You can even check out my website.
Thank you everyone for your support!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Not looking good for Jerome's back

Well, we just got bad news from the surgeon. According to him, Jerome is looking at a 'spinal fusion' in his lower back. We do not want to go that route because of the complications associated with the procedure. As well, the procedure sets him up for a lifetime of addtional surgeries. So, we have scheduled a followup for May 1st. I will post again then.

Jerome's MRI results also came back for his shoulders. He has some bone spurs, a tear in some tendon (sorry, I can never remember actual names) and tendonitis in his rotator cuff. Interestingly enough, he has the same thing in both shoulders. we have a second opinion scheduled for this as well on April 18th. Hopefully, this will be very minor, just some PT or something.

Thank you all for the prayers. We have gotten emails and calls just checking in. Thank you. Things are a bit rough here right now. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I have been dealing with migraines off and on for a few weeks and this last migraine is still here after 3 days. I think it is hormonal and hope for it to be gone soon. So your prayers on this would be greatly appreciated.

Please remember that prayer isn't the LEAST you can do, it is the MOST you can do. To call upon the assistance, grace and peace of our Great Savior is quite an awesome thing. Thank you. With God all things are possible. Even if they seem impossible or even if we can't even imagine them with our tiny finite minds, they are POSSIBLE. He is a great and gracious Lord, He loves His children and we hope that it is his plan to take these issues from us. However, if it is His will that we suffer thru them, we pray that He gives us the strength and peace to walk thru and be sanctified.

Please feel free to call me or Jerome to check our progress.

Love in Christ,

Sunday, March 16, 2008

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!

Hi All,
We had a good time in Morganza, LA. The girls were under slept and over stimulated, which made a bad situation for trying to keep them under control. But with everyone's help, we made it thru. We look forward to doing this trip every couple of years.
Thank you to Mrs. June (Jerome's mom) for all of her hospitality. She opened her home to my family and even out of towners to come and visit us. I wish I had invited more people to join us in visiting in Morganza. We all visited Bryan (my brother) and had a good time. He is doing well, he is in the woodworking shop most of his day. He is also teaching a math class and a deacon for the local fellowship. He loved my girls and of couse, they LOVED him. Email me ( if you want his address to correspond with him. I will be posting pictures soon, so be on the look out. I am sure that you will find my girls almost as adorable as I do.
We love y'all!

From Left to Right: Lowell, Jerome holding Rachel, Aunt Judy, Uncle Walter, Me holding Sami, Mom

From Left to Right: Me holding Sami, Jerome, Bryan holding Rachel, Mom

Mr. Buddy and Mrs. June (Jerome's parents)

From Left to Right: Jeremy, Rachel and Colette